It was Wednesday, 18 February 2009, and Elder Call was awake when I phoned him at 7 a.m. Mountain Time, at his request, to

make sure he was up and at ‘em. He sometimes tends to sleep through alarms, and on this day—of all days—he did not want to miss a single thing. After telling him to "go conquer the world," we said our “I love yous,” and that was the last time we’ll talk until Mother’s Day.
Elder Ca

ll, who stayed the night at his Uncle Bruce and Aunt Patti’s house in Pleasant Grove, was picked up by his oldest sister, Rachel—a student at Brigham Young Uni
versity. The two of them went to the MTC, arriving at the appointed hour on Wednesday, 18 February 2009. Rachel was able to participate in the orientation for families and then, tearfully, said goodbye.

Bob will be leaving for his mission to the Idaho Pocatello Mission on about 10 March 2009. For anyone who wants to send him letters, notes, or packages (at least I believe packages are still allowed to be sent to the MTC), his address is
Elder Robert Call
MTC Mailbox #313
ID-POC 0310
2005 N. 900 East
Provo, Utah 84606-1793