Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dad's Final Post (At least at this point. . .)

On Anticipating My Son's Return

I wonder. . .

I wonder if all the longing I feel

             to embrace. . .

                  to hold. . .

                    to see. . .

I wonder if the hunger of my heart

              to welcome. . .

                  to listen to. . .

                    to simply be. . .

I wonder. . .

I wonder if these longings, these yearnings, these wishes of my soul. . .

              could they be. . .

                      could it be. . .

                                      they are but a foreshadowing. . .

                                            they are simply a type and a shadow. . .

                              they are but a drop in an ocean of longings yet to come. . .

I wonder. . .

            I wonder. . .

I wonder if, when I am on the other side. . .

              awaiting my loved ones to return. . .

              Will I feel as I do now?

              Will my heart hunger as it does now?

I wonder. . .

          Are today's longings

                  simply another lesson

                          from my mortal journey. . .

          to prepare me for my eternal experience?

I wonder. . .


  1. I can't believe Bob is almost home! We can't wait to see him and your whole family soon!!

  2. What a beautiful, thought provoking poem! I also wonder . . . thanks for putting my 'wonderings' into words
